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For the Preservation &
mproved Quality Of Life

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    Early bystander CPR and rapid defibrillation (where the heart is shocked quickly with a defibrillator) are two of the major contributors to the survival of victims with SCA.

    Early access, early CPR, early defibrillation and early advanced care (Chain of Survival) can save as many as 30% - 50% of sudden cardiac arrest victims.

    The shorter the time between SCA and defibrillation, the greater the chances of survival. Use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) can increase the survival rate from as little as 5% up to 70% if used within the first few minutes of SCA.

    As a community, we need to take a more serious approach to this through education (widespread CPR Training) and immediate access to defibrillation (ready availability of an AED)


Out-of-hospital Chain of Survival



                               HOW TO USE AN AED


AEDs are simple to use and its technology is reliable and proven.
There is no price on a human life and each life saved is worth every effort.

Survivors of SCA (employees, customers, clients or family) can return to a fully active normal life
     Shock a heart, save a life